in date->getCurrentTitle() at line 10: syntax error, unexpected end of file
in type->getCurrentTitle() at line 11: syntax error, unexpected end of file
in category->getCurrentTitle() at line 11: syntax error, unexpected end of fileКалендарь мероприятий TicketForEvent Lite, , ,
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Writing and implementing effective SOP 2017

Writing and implementing effective SOP 2017

An SOP is a meticulous step-by-step description of how to do a task that leave no chance for errors and divergence. Writing a good SOP is not an easy job. It requires a firm understanding of the task to be described, an ability to describe in specific unique to that laboratory
21 — 22 September 2017
United States, Baltimore
Supplier Management in FDA- and ISO-regulated Industry 2017

Supplier Management in FDA- and ISO-regulated Industry 2017

Supplier qualification and assessment is required in both the QSR regulations and ISO standards. Many companies spend a great deal of time and money in pursuit of compliance
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United States, San Diego
Scrum Master Sertifika Hazırlık Eğitimi (PSM I Sınavı Hazırlık Eğitimi)

Scrum Master Sertifika Hazırlık Eğitimi (PSM I Sınavı Hazırlık Eğitimi)

Temel Scrum Master Sertifika Eğitimi ile Scrum değerlerini ve ilkelerini uygulamalı olarak öğrenecek, eğitim boyunca bir proje üzerinde çalışarak Scrum’ı deneyimleme fırsatı bulacaksınız.
5 — 6 November 2016