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FDA's Latest Regulations for Computer Systems Used in the Tobacco 2017
The Tobacco Control Act went into effect by FDA on June 22, 2009. Through this ruling, the FDA regulated cigarettes, cigarette tobacco, roll-your-own tobacco and smokeless tobacco, but in 2016,
5 — 6 October 2017
United States, Richmond
What to Expect in a Federal HIPAA Audit & How to Avoid Audit 2017
I will be speaking to real life audits conducted by the Federal government for Phase 2 and beyond (I've been on both sides of these audits) what your highest risks are for being fined (some of the risk factors may surprise you).
5 — 6 October 2017
United States, Richmond
HR Auditing Identifying and Managing Key Risks 2017
HR audits are designed to help your organization focus its attention on its human resource management practices, policies, procedures, processes, and outcomes by providing you with a structured and systematic series of questions about key compliance,
9 — 10 October 2017
United States, Burlingame
Incorporating Risk Management into Your HR Policy 2017
HR audits are designed to help your organization focus its attention on its human resource management practices, policies, procedures, processes, and outcomes by providing you with a structured
12 — 13 October 2017
United States, Los Angeles
Biostatistics for the Non-Statistician 2017
Statistics is a useful decision making tool in the clinical research arena. When working in a field where a p-value can determine the next steps on development of a drug or procedure,
12 — 13 October 2017
United States, Arlington
Свидание с судьбой 2017
Победа близка "Свидание с Судьбой" Тони Роббинса поможет Вам самому стать архитектором своего будущего. Получив четкое и глубокое понимание того, почему Вы думаете, чувствуете и ведете себя именно таким образом, Вы возьмете под контроль ту силу, которая Вами управляет.
5 — 10 December 2017
США, Уэст-Палм-Бич, Palm Beach Convention Center
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